I’ve been working in several modes of energy therapy and body work since 1986, beginning with traditional Japanese Amma Massage in San Francisco at the Amma Institute under the renowned massage teacher, David Palmer.
After working on Amma Massage for several years, I began my journey with reiki, which I have been studying since 1997.
I became a Reiki/Master Teacher in 2000 and started working at the Adams Center for Mind & Body in 2004. I am also one of the only practitioners of Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection in the Vermont area.
My experience in energy work has led me into higher states of consciousness, which has elevated my frequency and allowed me to expand my energy practice and heal at deeper levels for all of my clients.
Depending on the mode of healing, I can bring in Guides, Masters, Angels and Beings of Light with the highest frequency available for your highest good. These sometimes involve personal guides, but not always. I have an affinity for working with the Galactic Masters and the Masters from other planetary and star systems, whom I work with intuitively.
What is Lightwork?
Duality is a creation of the human psyche. It is a myth, and we participate in it daily.
I believe that the separation between light and dark is dissolving. It is no longer a concept that we need to reinforce. In my eyes, we are moving into a Unity Consciousness, where the higher frequencies are all One.
I am here, as a Lightworker, to vibrate at a frequency that allows for Unity.
The energies I work with go beyond Dark & Light, which we have been entrenched in.
They go into Oneness.